Friday 10 April 2015


The guys form Volume Conflict hereby announce that "Snow" our Lead Guitarist reached the end of his journey with the Band.

In his words:

"It's never easy saying goodbye, especially when it comes to people you love so dearly, that has had such a deep impact on your life and the person you are today, to so much future potential memories and potential magic to be made. In all honesty, I suck at goodbyes, so here we go.

Being in Volume Conflict has been one of the best things to have ever happened to me, it has been one badass ride.

 But, knowing that the band needs to expand and will undoubtedly be heading across waters soon to go and conquer foreign soil it is unfortunately where I have to step back, before the coaster really starts taking off. Because of deep family bonds and the family man I am, I don't foresee myself being in a different country for long periods of time anymore.

It's been an honour and a privilege making music with these boys, my brothers and I know they are going to conquer the food chain. To all the fans and friends who has supported me and is still supporting VC, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, every drop of sweat and blood, every tear and every mosh pit we had together will never be forgotten."

We at Volume Conflict wish him all the best! Your contribution was one of courage and creativity in a harsh Industry! Keep well friend!

Volume Conflict was originally a three piece Band and will go forward as one till a replacement has been found!


Saturday 1 November 2014

Volume Conflict Live on Neue Regel Radio.

NOT TO BE MISSED: a LIVE interview/chat with VOLUME CONFLICT the 18th of November 2014 on NEUE REGEL RADIO "THE LAUNCH PAD"! 7PM - 9PM USA East Coast time.

Friday 31 October 2014

Enjoy your Halloween...

Enjoy your Halloween friends! We all have Monsters in our closets somewhere at some stage in our lives! HAVE A PEEK! We have loaded some Photos of the Shoot of "Full Responsibility"! Compliments to our Photographer Tiandi!